According to recent Government Guidelines (CWGA Notification dated 24/09/2020), All industries abstracting ground water in excess of 100 m 3 /d shall be required to undertake annual water audit through certified auditors and submit audit reports within three months of completion of the same to CGWA.
URS Verification, India is having Certified Water Auditors in Kolkata and International Certified Water Auditor to conduct water audit in line with CWGA Notification dated 24/09/2020. URS is a Regular Partner to Water Footprint Network (WFN) and member to Alliance of Water Stewardship (AWS) for performing independent Water Audits and Water Footprint.
URS is having rich experience in Water Audit Trainings in Kolkata and delivered water audit trainings to the Airport Authority of Indian, NTPC Industries, and Consultants etc. URS is backed by a strong technical team of multidisciplinary & certified professionals having in-depth exposure of Water Audits in industries. URS has conducted water audits in Cement, Food Processing, Breweries, Distillery, Diary, Pharmaceutical, Iron & Steel, Ceramic, Electronic, Pulp & Paper, Sugar, Thermal Power Plants, Mining and Hotels and Universities etc.
URS Clients for Water Audit are Varun Beverages, Kandhari Beverages, Permod Ricard, Mohan Meakins, Rampur Distillery, ADS Agro, Ultratech Cement, Ambuja Cement, ACC Cement, IRCTC, JK Cement, Jain Irrigation, Vishaka Industries, Amul Diary, Schriber Diary, Kirloskar Brothers Limited, Economic Explosive Limited, Kajaria Tiles, Hitachi, KL Group, Vedanta, Hi-tech Steel, Jindal Ispat and Power, Hindustan Zinc Limited, Tata Mines, Hindalco etc
URS can help Organization on below.
1) Assist Organization to meet their regulatory requirements under CGWA Notification
2) Conduct Water Audit and Water Footprint Assignment in Kolkata
3) Certification of ISO 46001:2019 - Water efficiency Management Systems
4) Assist Organization for implementation of AWS Standard and its Certification
5) Perfromance Assessment of STP/ETP
6) Impact Assessment of Water Conservation projects constructed under CSR Projects
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